Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a shoehunter thinks about when she swims...

Lap #1- "welcome back"...yeah, I know water, it has been awhile since I joined you. Even after a few strokes, I know it's good to be back.
Lap #2- if I get the high above the knee boots, where else am I gonna wear them? yes, the hunting birthday...oh, years...but I must make plans to make sure I am not always around the same people. I hate it when people see me in the same outfit!
Lap#3- Jordan and Andrew really did great in the KEYS run- both 2nd in their age group- they rock!
Lap#4- I should have shaved today. I think the prickles are slowing me down. Thought I might just do 8 laps but this feels so good I am right back into the half mile!
Lap#5- my I ever shut up? oh well, something to blog about.
Lap #6- my a#*, I do not have $1200 worth of shoes in my closet least not yet for this shoe season! I can't believe he said that last night as we discussed what he should do with the Cabelas gift card...he's over his limit!..and now I have something to shoot for!!!!
Lap#7-I really need a pair of black heels.
Lap #8- here it comes again, I am entering the deep area and that vision from that stupid shark week show about the woman who swims her laps in the ocean only to be swallowed up by a great white, swim a little faster!
Lap #9- OK, this is suppose to be a meditative type of experience, let's get back to breathing.
Lap #10- great Fall party this weekend. Fire beer...good but wow! Like High School coach Lynn Laporte always said, "It will take you at least 3 days to recover to normal athlete skills if you drink!" She's right. What is today? OK, 4.
Lap#11- The senate passed the health care reform bill. I think the Mayans were right, here comes the end 2012. I want to move. An ocean would be nice, at least that what my angels keep telling me.
Lap#12- I need to remember whenever I go on vacation to buy shoes- I have in Germany, Mexico, China (for my kids). Gosh, I have to go to Italy. Come on Kathy!
Lap #13- This guy next to me looks like a frog and I really think I just saw a jelly fish. OK, let's get back to breathing.
Lap#14- Zumba was a nice surprise this morning at the Y. Gosh, I want to move like instructor Addy. I could see myself the whole time in those darn studio new hairdo...walked in to the salon Tuesday with blonde hair with dark roots, left with dark hair and blonde roots...I'll get use to it!
Lap#15- 1 more lap then grocery shopping and stopping for soup at the Coffee corner. Todd thinks I have shoes stuffed in my car. I wish he was right- I forgot and will have to wear tennis shoes...not princess style at all!
Lap#16- OK, time for prayer. Thank you God...

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