Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's the Final Countdown!

First off, I have to get something off my chest. I cannot find my cell phone. Now, to many of you, this does not surprise you. I have lost it on several occasions. I usually let it run low on the battery. Or I just don't acknowledge I own one. But I really need it this week. We are making final preparations for the event on Saturday so for those of you trying to call me on it, try my home number! I really wish there was a way I could get addicted to using my cell. I have caught on to other technology quite nicely. I love surfing the web. I am so addicted to my reunion web site right now. I love email. There is just something about talking on the phone. I even got commended the other day by a friend who called our home. i was on the other line talking with someone and heard the infamous "beep" indicating another caller. I just cannot do that..."hey, wait a minute, I got another call." So I didn't. When this person called back later, he was impressed.
So addicted to my phone. I don't see it happening but if God knows where it is right now, I would love for Him to conveniently place it in a spot where I can find it!
I know one thing my family thinks I may be addicted to right now. Turning off the lights. Why does this happen? All of a sudden you hit a certain age and you like your house spotless and any light turned off in a room that is not being used? And, what all of a sudden happens to boys/men who need to enter every room, turn all the lights in the room on, then leave the room? I stayed home with my boys much of the weekend as my husband was hunting and I think I spent the majority of the day straightening and darkening. What I waste in heat as I am chronically chilled, I make up for in conserving light. I think I feel that if a room is dark, it is "finished". It is usually tidy, not being used. If you have a boy in a room with lights on, it is being used and used=not tidy.
The absolute exception to this is shopping. It brings me peace and joy to see a room fully lite with perfection displaying beautiful things with such organization...and this is why I usually don't take my boys along. Though I love spending as much time with them as I can, I respect my times of peace.
The other day our boys had a friend over. We decided to go to a movie. Before the movie, I decided to take them to the Kewaskum Craft Show. I wanted to stop by the event hosted by the Kewaskum Jr. Women's Club. They are such a great organization and Kelly, the President, is a wonderful friend. While I quickly went through the craft items, I would let the boys eat as they also had a lunch. As we walked in, I sensed a bit of "excitement" from the boys. As I talked to Kelly to simply check in, the boys were seeing just how fast they could spin the door raffle bin. As it went faster, it jumped off the device it was attached to and went screaming down the hallway. Shopping just isn't in their blood. I'm way too laid back to get upset. The boys were pretty quite thereafter and didn't touch a thing while we were in there.
So boys are best away from the malls. Which brings us full circle back to the Shoe Hunt idea! The hunting season has officially closed. I hope you all were successful. I know the group that my husband hunts with (though not all of the 10 days) managed to kill about 25 deer. You know what? I think some of us would be able to top that, certainly as our group comes together we will find out!
Shoes, shoes. What is it about shoes? Shoes really symbolizes so much to me. They are a part of my comfort. They help me stand tall. They individualize who I am. They ground me. They each need a partner, who seem the exact same but are really very opposite. And the next step...they will now be collected together as we wear them on Saturday to "stand up to cancer".


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