Thursday, January 1, 2009

I am especially fond of...

Another year has quickly come to an end. As has been a tradition of my family, each year we reflect on what we have done. My boys, husband, and I sit down to make our "Top 10 List". I place it in our collection bin so we can review it along with much other memorabilia whenever we wish. I usually also compile a list of my own to reflect on which is usually not that far off from the family list.
1. 20 years with Todd. We met in the 7th grade, "dated" on 2 separate occasions before finally being serious and "going together" in September of 1988. So many amazing life experiences so far and billions more to go.
2. I competed in my first triathlon and didn't do half bad. I like the prep of biking, running, and getting back into swimming. I totally have DeAnn Seaman, long time friend, to thank for that. It didn't take much convincing but I wouldn't have done it alone. DeAnn and I quickly figured out that most people will compete in to try it and the second to try and beat the first time. Then most figure out just how insane the whole thing is. So this year will be my second and last.
3. We had a great family vacation in Hayward. Todd's family has been renting there for 2 years and this year we joined them. And so this week became an absolute reinforcement on the importance of family. The experience brought forth Jordan and my first confrontation with a bear and her cubs. We fished, water skied, told stories, danced, and played. By the end of the week, my intention of being "present" was strong.
4. I traveled with my sister Shelly, to New Orleans for V Day. It was a profoundly moving vacation on so many levels. First, to revisit New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. This wonderful city has so much history and beauty. Jazz Fest was going on. People were getting married in the streets. And The Vagina Monologues was playing for the 10 year anniversary at the stadium where post hurricane tragedy had also struck. There was certainly a lot of talk about "down there" and a lot of healing with the help of true warriors. Oh, and the red tent.
5. A recent conference to Hilton Head, South Carolina. It was helpful, professionally and personally. I love it when a conference can do that for me and my work. I no longer have that irritating shoulder pain- let me know if you want to hear that story. And as part of this past year, I grew much more aware of being green. Ending the year with this trip reaffirmed my passion for this. No street lights so they can enjoy the stars in the sky. Laws for the protection of endangered species. Buildings not higher than the trees. Vast oceans, creeks, sand, culture.
6. Family time. These are in no particular order but this should be #1. It is so neat to see these boys grow and journey through their lives from the start. I know there have been so many declarations over the past year, but 2 recent ones...Andrew states that it is just way to hard to be responsible(and not just him, this goes for any kid) for things like where he places his Ipod or webkinz because his life is just so fun and there are so many things to do, how could he possibly be able to be responsible and have fun?...Oh, are they smart! And Jordan, he declared the other day that he would like us to have a family game night (of course Todd and I determined these would be done when Jordan has found nothing else to do ) but none the less, he was able to add some family games to his collection this Christmas and we tonight just finished a long NFL Monopoly battle. And this comes as no surprise to see that when I was behind, Jordan wanted to give me stuff while Andrew ran away with the game holding over $2,000 in cash plus owned teams. Hmmm
7. I love it when I have the time to sit down and read a good book. And I would have to say these books are about trying to be a better me. So no romance or mystery. I followed the big Eckhart Tolle A New Earth Awakenings sessions with Oprah. I read One Dead In Attic after Hurricane Katrina. I was reading The Last Lecture the week Randy Pausch died. Nonviolent Communication by Rosenthal has been helping me in various aspects of life. And The Shack by Young...which is another good resource for reaffirming my belief in who my God, Spirit, and Jesus are to me.
8. New Relationships, old friends. I spent countless fun times with people. I was happy to get to know my sons' friends families. The moms at FES rock! I love the bonding my "Tuesday Talks" group at work has formed. And I continue to keep in touch with HS buds, even rekindling some years back friendships when the reunion website launched this fall.
9. Giving to those who deserve more...I know and want to be doing so much more but I am happy to have done what i have this year. That ALS event is beyond belief- Kathy Buechel does such a great job. The Clarks are terrific. Mrs. Gonring is divine. This eclectic group of women came together to raise $5000. At the shoe event, $1500. I know Haiti needs help so I have made that a priority. I was also so proud of Todd for doing his first mission trip this year.
10. Girl time...The Mom's Conference with my church lady friends. Exotic Dance class with a group of women who transformed themselves within hours. Chocolate making with wine, food, and fun. Shop. Shop. Shop.

Though 2008 also had memories of pain, I am grateful for the opportunities I was given and for the choices I was able to make. My theme picked at the beginning of 2008 was "non judgement". I certainly am not leaving 2008 an expert in the field, but the year has brought me closer to understanding judgement vs. non judgement. And, as always, the first step can simply be an awareness. It was nice to do this because I could then focus my activities around that and reflect on that word regularly.
And for this year, it's gratitude. A common "New Year's Resolution". Todd immediately wanted to know if that meant I was going to be nicer to him this year. I explained I did not think that "nice" and "gracious" were defined equally by explaining that I could be grateful I had him to do the things I need to get done...he would not say that was nice. Well, we will see how that plays out. I will start right now by saying Thank You for taking the time to stop by.
God is especially fond of you.

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